International Special Court of Arbitration & Human Rights Inter-Governmental Court Charter
International Special Court of Arbitration and Human Rights Inter-Governmental Court or briefly as ISCAHR Court is an international Organizations having been registered as Inter-Governmental Court Corporations (Registration No -C4690087) with Department of State, United States of America; Having been formally established as Inter-Governmental Court Statute of the UNITED NATION IGO and H-WIPC Interpol Command. ISCAHR Court is registered as Inter-Governmental Court with UN General Secretariat and United Nations Global Marketplace Systems (Reg. No - 673621) thus having basic registrations with 28 UN agencies and recognized as Treaty Inter-Governmental Court with European Union –Quality Assurance (Reg. – 061217-04) and further ISCAHR Court is Accredited by US Presidents’ Volunteer Service Awards as Certifying Inter-Governmental Court as an accreditation agency having protected by international law, under UN Economic Social & Cultural Rights (Articles 13.1, 13.2(c), 13.4), with a mandate for promoting the rights of access to and quality of education supporting human rights, under UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Right to Education 2008 (Article 7:(a),(e),(f),(i)).